It is critical for your child’s physical and mental development that they enjoy and nutritional and well-balanced diet.

Our meal plans each day includes a:
- Breakfast of cereal, toast and milk
- A Mid-morning snack such as fruit, yoghurt, breadsticks and cheese, and including water/milk
- Two course hot cooked lunch
- Mid-afternoon snack such as fruit, yoghurt, breadsticks and cheese and including water/milk
- A cold tea including fresh fruit and vegetables

Drinking water is also provided throughout the day. Our varied daily lunch and tea menu offers a wide variety of cuisines intruding the children to food and tastes from all over the world. We can also accommodate all dietary requirements and allergies.
We believe that mealtimes are a great opportunity to extend the children’s independence. As such, we encourage them to set the table, serve themselves, and use their manners and even tidy up afterwards!